10,000+ locations reviewed to keep your luggage safe

Luggage storage Malibu

Freedom to explore from $5.90 / day

Free cancellation
10,000+ locations globally
from $5.90/day
Rated 4.9 by 500,539+ people
$10,000 protection
Free cancellation
10,000+ locations globally
from $5.90/day
Rated 4.9 by 500,539+ people

Our customers say it best

Millions of bags stored. 1M+ customers all over the world.

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How it works

  • Book in a few taps

    Tell us when you want to store your stuff, pick a convenient location, and pay online.

    Download the app

  • Head to the store

    Check in by showing your confirmation to a store employee and drop off your bags.

  • Enjoy the day

    Do whatever you’d like, then show your confirmation to pick up your stuff.

Trusted by millions of customers worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

No matter where you go, it’s easy to find luggage storage near you.

Powered by local businesses

Powered by local businesses

Our friendly partners tag and safely store your luggage in their shops.

Up to $10,000 in protection

Up to $10,000 in protection

In the unlikely event of theft, loss, or damage, your things are covered.

100% free cancellation

100% free cancellation

Change or cancel your booking anytime before check in for a full refund.

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asked questions

  • How much does it cost to store luggage in Malibu?

    The price for luggage storage in Malibu starts from just $5.90/bag for the entire day.

  • Where can I store luggage in Malibu?

    There are multiple locations all around Malibu which can be booked through the Bounce platform including near Malibu Beach, Venice Beach, Santa Monica State Beach and many other areas.

  • Is it safe to store your bags in Malibu?

    Yes. Every bag is tagged with a security seal and comes with the $10,000 Bounce Guarantee. Every location is required to uphold tight security precautions. You may be asked to show ID and you will be required to use a credit card to book through Bounce in advance. With hundreds of thousands of bags stored, you can count on Bounce to handle your baggage in Malibu.

  • Are there storage lockers in Malibu?

    Yes, there are storage lockers and luggage drop off points in Malibu. Storing your luggage with Bounce is as easy as using a storage locker, except a real person is there to watch over your things. If you don’t want to worry about lockers being full or remembering the code for your locker, you can drop off your luggage at any of our convenient locations in Malibu.

  • Where are the best places to stay and eat while in Malibu?

    The most popular restaurants to visit are Waves Cafe, Zuma Beach, and Calamigos Ranch. Additionally, the highest ranked hotels within Malibu are Malibu Island Rentals, Villa Graziadio Executive Center, and Hotel June Malibu.

  • Where are the best parks and nature attractions in Malibu?

    Malibu offers several scenic parks including Point Dume State Beach, Malibu Bluffs Park, and Alumni Park.

  • Where can I find tourist information and guideposts in Malibu?

    You can find local tourist information at Orion Pacific and Zuma Travel.


Store Your Luggage Around Malibu With Bounce

Famous people don't choose to live in Malibu for its record level of yearly sunshine hours, its surfing, or its beaches. When you visit Malibu, you'll find there's a surplus of other things to do there that warrant spending time on. While Malibu does have the reputation of being a laidback surfers paradise where chilling out is the order of the day, it's worth finding the energy to explore the cultural activities this coastal Californian city has to offer. They’re plentiful and distinctly varied.

In Malibu you'll be able to walk through the home of one of the US's most renowned business tycoons, browse incredible collections of fine and contemporary art, and visit a reconstruction of a Native American village. Malibu is one of the top places to shop anywhere in California where you'll encounter stores stocking everything from high-end designer fashion to thrift stores with vintage clothes that have had more than one previous owner. For classy oceanfront dining, Malibu really tops the rankings, but there's more to Malibu's food scene than eating lobster while watching the waves lap against the shore.

Malibu is a classy place and if you're walking around with your baggage in tow, you are going to look totally out of place. Keep your cool person image intact by storing your bags at a Bounce luggage locker service in Malibu and no one will ever guess you're on vacation and living out of a suitcase.

Luggage Storage In Malibu

Bounce aims to provide a secure, convenient, and economical luggage storage service whether it's in Malibu or in Timbuktu. Bounce achieves that aim by partnering with local businesses to ensure you'll find a luggage locker where you need it most. All Bounce luggage locker facilities cater for a variety of sized bags and have security tag closure for your peace of mind. Bounce luggage locker hire charges are kept to a minimum too so you have more money to spend on stuff important to you.   

Malibu City Guide

Top Things To Do

If you ask most folk what are the top things to do in Malibu, they'd probably come out with the obvious first, which would be to go to the beach. If that's all you do in this vibrant city then you'll miss out on enjoying yourself to the full big time. While you're in Malibu make the effort to visit the museums, go shopping and eat out at some of the best restaurants in California. You'll notice the difference and go home having had a thoroughly good time.


The museums in Malibu are quite different from the ones you'll find in other cities in California. Make the most of this opportunity you have to discover the intimate life of a man who was, during his time, the richest in the world, to learn how Native Americans lived, and to view art created by some of America's best artists.

  • Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art: The Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art is located on the campus of Pepperdine University in Malibu. The museum primarily focuses on art depicting California, but that said, also hosts temporary exhibits with works by renowned American and International artists like CT Close, Andy Warhol, and Rodin. Weisman, the founder of the museum, was a fan of contemporary art and pieces from his extensive collection are often dusted off and put out on display.  
  • The Getty Villa: The Getty Villa was designed and built to house the extensive art collections of John P Getty. The mausoleum-like villa is a sight to see and just shows what you can do when money is no object. Wander through the luxurious galleries in the villa which is a replica of a similar structure in Italy and you'll be blown away by the treasures you see as well as the surroundings you find yourself in.  
  • Wishtoyo Chumash Village: The Wishtoyo Chumash Village is a living museum dedicated to preserving the heritage, culture, and values of the Chumash people. On the four-acre site, you'll be able to explore native huts built in the traditional way, join in with Chumash spiritual ceremonies, learn about the skills they needed to get through everyday life, and the importance of respecting the natural world. It's a fascinatingly insightful place to visit and one you shouldn’t skip when in Malibu.  


Malibu is the sort of place where you need to get dressed up to go shopping or else feel out of place. That goes for whether you're planning on doing your retail therapy in malls, boutiques, or thrift shops. Once you're all poshed up, you'll be ready to go.

  • Malibu Lumber Yard: The Malibu Lumber Yard is as unusual a mall as its name suggests but don't expect to be roughing it in a mall with sawdust on the floor. This mall is luxury all the way, but with boardwalk flooring instead of sidewalks and fish in aquariums. There's no getting away from the fact you're in a coastal city here. In between visiting the deluxe boutiques here, you can sip a cocktail or mocktail under the palm trees.
  • Point Dume Village: You can combine a few hours sunbathing on the beach with a bit of retail therapy if you go to the Point Dume Village. This outdoor mall is right on Zuma Beach and consists of two stories of retail outlets you'll have trouble dragging yourself away from. If you like relaxed shopping where the store attendants don't bother you but let you browse to your heart's content, this is the mall for you.
  • Malibu Farmers Market: If you go to Malibu Farmers Market you can expect to see a lot more than just homegrown fruit and veg. The market happens once a week on a Sunday from ten in the morning until three in the afternoon. You'll find stalls with quality fresh produce grown in California and alongside them a huge variety of different goods handmade by local artisans. You won't go hungry here either as there are always food trucks and pop-up restaurants serving food made from California-grown ingredients.


What and where to eat in Malibu is partly a foregone conclusion. The what will undoubtedly be seafood, and you'll find it's on the menus everywhere. The leading question though is where. Here are three great restaurants in Malibu to help with your tricky, but very enjoyable dilemma.  

  • Moonshadows Malibu: If the name doesn't conjure up images of dining by the oceanfront under the light of a full moon, you have no imagination. This Malibu restaurant is an award-winning eatery with not just impressive views of Malibu, but the sunset over the ocean too. Look out of the window while you're tucking into a plate of barbecued octopus, almond-crusted Albacore tuna, or miso-glazed black cod, and you'll see the waves lapping below. You'll think you've died and gone to heaven until you get the bill.
  • Nicolas Eatery: You can dine out in Malibu with a touch of the French oh la las if you go to the Nicolas Eatery for lunch or dinner. Take a table on the patio or in the air-conditioned interior and be served some incredible Mediterranean cuisine that suits the sunny weather perfectly. Start with a Salad Lyonnaise then follow that with a plate of ratatouille and you won't have to worry about the bulges in your swimsuit the day after. They also have an imaginative kids menu so if you're visiting Malibu with children, put this restaurant on your list.
  • The Cliffdiver: No, you don't need to dive off a cliff to enjoy a meal at the Cliffdiver in Malibu, but you will be jumping for joy when you've eaten there. You can spice up your night here too as they don't just serve seafood but a variety of Mexican food too. This restaurant is hip, trendy, and totally Malibu but with a bit more of a laid-back vibe than most.

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